

Raku  Inoue

Raku Inoue

I first experienced Raku Inoue’s work and methods at Adobe Max 2020.

His simple “Natura Insects” are composed of leaves, stems, petals collected from his garden.

His routine of walking, collecting, thinking of how colors/textures combine and finally arranging, is both inspired and inspiring.

His method is thoughtful (the whole time he works he is asking and answering questions) and gratifying (he expresses deep appreciation for the sources he pulls/draws from).

His description of the “ephemerality” of his materials fits neatly into a larger perspective on life itself.

The last step in Inoue's process is not revealed, but Raku transforms his assemblages into beautiful digital photographs that have been discovered (hopefully not over-discovered) by the communication arts industry.

For my benefit and yours!

See more here:

Seeing Theory

Seeing Theory

Adobe Max 2020

Adobe Max 2020