

Toshiko Mori

Toshiko Mori

Last weekend T Magazine (the NYT’s style magazine) published a feature called THE ARTISTS about how and where the world’s brightest creative minds draw inspiration for their work and lives. 

Among the ballet dancers, fashion designers and rappers was a profile of architect Toshiko Mori. 

I stopped on it because of the striking portrait photograph, but kept reading because ... (1) I recognized the island in Maine where her story is located, (2) the idea of a garden as a place to cultivate inspiration resonates with me, and (3) the Japan-ness of her description makes the familiar feel different and interesting.

It is best that you read the profile yourself at the link below. 

Or better, listen to it read by Mori in her own voice. That way you can close your eyes and imagine her there on North Haven - among the lettuces, herbs and peas in her garden - as she observes and notes organic forms that will be designed into her next structures.

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Poster House

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Motion Pictures