



Just when you thought you had heard, seen, and tasted everything, along comes microarugula to remind you that the world keeps turning. 

So what happens when microgreens meet old school roquette/rocket/arugula? 

Well, something between an avocado and guacamole. 

According to the packaging, it has the taste of arugula ("peppery and bright") but the density/texture of something more like a salad topping than a base ingredient. 

After trying it I can confirm that I don't have any idea what it tastes like. 

But ... the condensed form factor is excellent for precision sandwich making. One can imagine microarugula opening new categories like microsandwiches. JK, who wants a tiny sandwich!?

That said, microarugula does seem to connect into a miniaturization trend that crosses categories (1B transistors on iPhone's Bionic chip, carbon nanotubes in Vantablack, the popularity of Tatsuya Tanaka, and so forth). 

So despite the possible flavorless-ness, I'm pretty sure that these little leaves are going to be big.

Yu Nagaba

Yu Nagaba

Graphics Standards

Graphics Standards