

Ads Data Hub

Ads Data Hub

So what is Google Ads Data Hub?

ADH is Google’s privacy-centric data warehouse.

Without sharing any PI data, ADH enables marketer-specific insights to be created by joining marketer data with Google ad data.

It uses a method of connecting data sets sometimes referred to as a “clean room”.

Here’s roughly how it works …

On one side of the equation, event-level data from Google ad platforms (Google Ads, YouTube, Display & Video 360) are pulled into a Google-owned BigQuery project.

On the other side, 1P advertiser-provided marketing and business data (engagement, conversion, transaction events) are pulled into a customer-owned BigQuery project.

Then the two BigQuery projects are joined via the Ads Data Hub API into a clean room, with input sets not visible to either side, to create new aggregated views.

Once in the ADH both the marketer and Google can the see the insights, but not the underlying data.

ADH is not a new product, and Google was smart to introduce it years ago anticipating a day when this type of data joining would be problematic - either because consumers rejected it, or government regulators ruled against it, or marketers decided that sharing their data with Google was helping Google more than it was helping their marketing.

Or because the current generation of technologies (3P cookies) would become obsolete.

More about ADH here …

If you want to see what starter query scripts look like for Attribution Modeling, Campaign Overlap, Joining User and Device ID Data, there is a nice tutorial here …

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