

Dorothea Lange @ MoMA

Dorothea Lange @ MoMA

This weekend we (Magdalena, Helenka and I) went to see the Dorothea Lange exhibition that recently opened at MoMA.

Lange was tireless photo-documentarian whose work captured the effects of economic depressions, mass migrations, wars and more on Americans of all stripes. 

The exhibition is called “Words and Pictures” and brings in Lange’s own descriptions of the images to help evoke a deeper meaning. 

Lange believed that her pictures tell stories about the human condition, hardship, poverty, ruthlessness.

Her focus on the plights of women and children are especially touching. 

The addition of Lange’s written descriptions fill in her intentions, which are more purposeful than most viewers come to the exhibition knowing.

Included in the exhibition is a wonderful documentary film called “Dorothea Lange, Under The Trees” made during her later years by San Francisco public television affiliate KQED. 

In a memorable line from the film, she says - “We keep ourselves busy so we don’t have to work.”

Here are links to the show (currently closed due to COVID-19 measures) and documentary. 

The image of Lange, above, is a still from the film.

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