

The Advertising Council

The Advertising Council

Just a quick “What Is It?” post on the Ad Council.

The wikipedia version is …

The Advertising Council, also known as the Ad Council, is an American nonprofit organization that produces, distributes, and promotes public service announcements on behalf of various sponsors, including nonprofit organizations, non-governmental organizations and agencies of the United States government.

The Ad Council partners with advertising agencies which work pro bono to create the public service advertisements on behalf of their campaigns.

The organization accepts requests from sponsor institutions for advertising campaigns that focus on particular social issues.

To qualify, an issue must be non-partisan (though not necessarily unbiased) and have national relevance.

The Ad Council distributes the advertisements to a network of 33,000 media outlets - including broadcast, print, outdoor (i.e. billboards, bus stops), and Internet - which run the ads in donated time and space.

Media outlets donate approximately $1.8 billion to Ad Council campaigns annually. If paid for, this amount would make the Ad Council one of the largest advertisers in the country.

And …

"You Will See Me" is the Ad Council's latest work, designed to inspire mask wearing in the African American community which has been disproportionately impacted by the COVID pandemic.

The PSA features Black celebrities like Viola Davis, Simone Biles, Questlove and is sponsored by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and HHS (US Department of Health and Human Services).

Other current Ad Council campaigns include promoting adoption from foster care, getting vaccinated for the flu, and empowering girls in STEM.

Learn more about the Ad Council here …

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