

Artsy Ultratechnologists

Artsy Ultratechnologists

According to their website, TeamLab / チームラボ / is an art collective and interdisciplinary group of ultratechnologists who want to connect art, science, technology, design and the natural world.

A collective of artsy technologists. Sounds good so far ... 

TeamLab's work is large scale - they refer to their work as "exhibitions" but they are almost never located at art museums.

TeamLab's exhibitions nearly always play on the idea of digital technology removing boundaries between people and nature. Their mantra is “one is in the other and the other in one."

TeamLab functions a little like an agency, but instead of marketing experiences, they deliver art experiences.

Each exhibition requires multiple specialists working together including artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators and architects.

TeamLab has been prolific in Japan lately, with a new exhibition seemingly popping-up every week this summer. 

I heard about TeamLab many times over the past few years, but I wasn't interested until my Japanese teacher told me about their “light festival” at the Shimogamo Shrine / 下鴨神社 / in Kyoto / 京都 /.

To my eyes, the combination of super-modern light sculptures and an ancient, world-heritage temple looked both magical and utsukushi / 美しい /.

I don't think it will be long before チームラボ  exhibitions will be removing the barriers between people and nature everywhere around the world.

デザイン Thinking

デザイン Thinking

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