

All-In on Woo Woo

All-In on Woo Woo

"We're going all-in on Woo Woo."

Woo. Woo. Woo.


This silly spot for Adobe Marketing Cloud is 10 years old but it could have run this morning.

The insight for marketers - that chasing the next thing in the name of new customers and popular relevance is not a strategy - is so relatable.

Mistaking The New for The Good is so prevalent in our industry, we have names for it like "shiny object syndrome".

Yet it is behind so many of the bad ideas we see in the market every day.

Why does it keep happening?

One answer is that we watch where things are going because it ensures continuity into the future. Missing out on a big shift can have huge consequences. Think about brands like Blockbuster, Kodak, Blackberry and Yahoo that failed to sense and respond.

Yet, there are obvious downsides to impulsively over-favoring newness.

As the close of the Woo Woo spot observes, consumers change their minds quickly. Especially the early-adopter segment, who are defined by their dissatisfaction with the present. Their loyalty is to change alone. So going all-in on them can be the same thing as excluding everyone else.

The spot ends with an engaging question: Do you know what your marketing is doing?

And offers: We can help.

Like the spot itself, this positioning on insights-driven marketing has aged well as the Adobe Marketing Cloud became the Adobe Experience Cloud and emerged as an industry-leading platform on which to deliver (and measure) personal, relevant experiences across channels.

I think it even works on Woo Woo.

Watch the Woo Woo spot here:

More about Adobe Experience Cloud here and here:

More about shiny objects and newness bias here:

Other funny, insightful spots from the campaign:

BONUS OBSERVATION. In this and other spots in Adobe’s "Do you know what your marketing is doing?" series there are friendly jabs at unnamed platform companies resembling Twitter, Facebook, and Google. In this one they live in lines like ... "We're cashing-in the Q4 budget and buying some followers!" ... and ... "I want sponsored-Woos. I want targeted-Woos. We want to be all up in your Woo Woo feed!"

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