

Tiger Squirrel

Tiger Squirrel

Somedays I do a "music, art, media, theater" run across the Princeton University campus.

As the route name implies, it takes me past the music department, art museum, student newspaper office and performing arts complex. 

In this last section of the course, on digital signage outside of the Lewis Center for the Arts, I often spy this strange little creature ... a squirrel with tiger stripes … among the performance listings.

Sometimes it is wearing a COVID mask. 

Sometimes it is wearing a graduation mortarboard. 

Is it a tiger squirrel?

Is it a squirrel tiger?

Whatever it is, it makes me smile the rest of the way home.

It is a perfect fit for the location. And a great way to get passers-by to look at the digital listings outside the Lewis Center.

Though maybe this summer, a tiger cicada would also have been appropriate?

Promoting Wes Anderson

Promoting Wes Anderson

Marija Cicak

Marija Cicak