

Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee

For the past few months we have been playing Spelling Bee in the NYT’s weekend magazine. 

On paper, with a pencil. 

It’s a puzzle game where you try to finds words using a given set of letters, where one letter is always required. 

You get one point for a word, and three points for a “pangram” which is a word that uses all of the letters in the set.

Once a week, on the weekend, was about the right cadence. 

But now, during COVID, the NYT has made the digital version of the game free-to-play, and I’ve started playing a little more often. 

It’s a fun way to focus on a small challenge. 

And if I level-up all the way, they reward me with a Genius badge illustrated with a smiling bee wearing a graduation cap. 


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