

Amazon Go Is Not A Self-Service コンビニ

Amazon Go Is Not A Self-Service コンビニ

On a recent trip to San Francisco I made my first to an Amazon Go market. 

Having lived in Japan for five years, convenience-oriented automated experiences are not a new concept for me. There, there are vending machines of every type. Order kiosks at ramen shops. Customer service robots. And convenience stores on every corner.

However the Amazon Go experience felt completely fresh not because of the “just walk out shopping” part, but because it is so high-touch. It was so much more than a walk-in vending machine.

For example, the quality of products is very high. Amazon Go stocks ready-to-eat meals from its own kitchen, and green groceries from local vendors through its parent Whole Foods. 

It felt more like Whole Foods than ナチュラルローソン. 

As a marketer, I’m interested to see how Amazon Go presents itself to prospects.

Amazon Go CMO Anna Fabrega has a big job in front of her, not just to re-energize the grocery category with cashier-less stores, but also staying differentiated as big companies like Target and Walmart try Go-style shopping experiences.

Amazon Go has 10 locations and more on the way. 

The internet of things now includes grocery stores! 


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